
The VerifyAddress add-on from DataStorm Solutions is a quick and simple way to add mailing address verification to an existing FileMaker solution.

VerifyAddress is available for only US$10 per user!

An overview of how to install, configure, and use the new Datastorm Solutions FileMaker add-on called VerifyAddress.

VerifyAddress can easily be added to an existing solution.

Just drag and drop VerifyAddress onto any existing layout that has address information.

After dragging the add-on onto your layout, the new button appears in Browse mode.

The first time you click on the icon, you will see a configuration screen.

Click on the gear icon to go to the USPS web site, where you can apply for a free User ID.

Once you have your ID, you can enter it here, and select the existing fields in your solution that correspond to the USPS address fields.

Now VerifyAddress is ready to be used! Just click on the blue icon to check the address.

If your stored data differs from what the USPS has, you’ll be offered the choice to update your record.